終於….終於係兩個星期後既今日,收到Aegean Airline的回覆…但係…佢既回覆可以話等於無講過野=.=”
“we would like to inform you that in case you face any difficulties in terms of making a reservation online, please contact our reservation department from 07.00 am to 23.00pm on XXXXXX”
“Moreover, in case that your reservation cannot be completed online due to charging failure, please refer to your financial institution, stating that you wish to make an online purchasing from a foreign website…”
個問題…我唔係唔可以外國訂野…我亦問過bank我係verified喇!只要你地扣錢咁就扣到啦!!!!!!咁即係你地個website有問題…係你地payment個part有問題. BTW,我今晚再check多次make sure無被扣錢,然後C人都attach呢封有趣既回覆去bank度,要求佢地一定要cancel呢個transaction…如果間bank唔俾,我一定要發爛渣到佢肯唯止呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
依間 airline 仲可以生存嘅 ??????????
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/24/2011 09:20:00]係呀!!因為由雅典去D小島既機佢算係最平一兩間啦~